From Wednesday 15th to Friday 17th November 2017, the African Judges and Jurists Forum (AJJF), a pan African network of judges and jurists committed to the promotion of the rule of law and development in Africa, held its first Judicial Symposium in Uganda. The three day Symposium, which was held under the theme “Human Rights in the Context of Criminal Justice: Rethinking the workings of the Justice Process in Uganda” was hosted at the Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe as both a residential (for all the participating Judges) and nonresidential (for non-judge resource persons) training.
In organizing this Symposium, the AJJF worked closely with a number of stakeholders namely: the OHCHR which provided the financial support, the Judiciary of Uganda, the Judiciary Studies Institute (JSI), the Human Rights Enforcement Forum (HUREF), as well as the International commission of Jurists (ICJ) through whom the planning and coordination of the Symposium at the various levels was made possible.